SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Fix the previous one too, nerd.

if gorta does die today, like he probably should

I wont be doing a night action

not sure that matters though

i wonder if the L+3 part threw you off

i mean yeah

my wolf range isnā€™t that different from my town range, i canā€™t pretend it is

beware of the katze,

to be honest i think ive done things outside my wolf range this game but i also wonā€™t point out what they are for reasons

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Napoleon ModeShifter 1/8 SirDerpsalot, Anstreim
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir x 0/8 Appelsiini, katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Napoleon, Alice
Italy Arete, Napoleon, an_gorta_pratai 3/8 Arete, an_gorta_pratai
an_gorta_pratai CRichard564, Appelsiini, Anstreim, clonedcheese 4/8 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese
Intensify Alice 1/8 x
SirDerpsAlot katze 1/8 x

I think Gorta is probably town after our interaction. Iā€™m like 90% sure Iā€™ve figured out his story, though itā€™s not something I would have done.

I believe Iā€™ve actually identified them.
But you might also be playing 4D chess and I fell for them so Iā€™m going to keep quiet as well.

Going out for exercise
Most likely wont make it in time for eod

/vote gorta

Im fine with this

In case a second lynch happens, /vote katze for that one

So do you think itā€™s better to swap to Italy even though this lynch would allow us to mech confirm you as not starter scum?

In case Gorta flips town*

do you think gorta should die?

I dint mean to phras it that way

Italyā€™s barely interacting so Iā€™m fine with it, although there is one thing that bothers me. Before I reveal it I want to ask Nap; what do you think of Italy?

this is why i donā€™t want to lynch them even with bounty printer going brrrrrrr

kinda doubt it

p sure i know what youā€™re thinking at least

I doubt that you know what Iā€™m thinking about either.
But enough of this.

its clearing a PoE? while also proving you and not wasting the lynch

but we lose a townie

thatā€™s what ive been fighting mainly

Iā€™m tempted to mech confirm myself with lynching Gorta but I think itā€™s more likely town than not. there were some things he said that while he wasnā€™t defending himself, matches what I think to be true.

If it gets too close, Iā€™ll explain why I think heā€™s town and out my thoughts on his slot, but based on what I think happened, his thought process and his posting all seem very consistent with what I think he is softing.


/vote SDA

losing an abil is still bad for me

im conflicted about bounties

not sure which side makes more sense

going to just let it be i guess


we probably shouldnā€™t talk about how bad losing an ability is

Did Italy say anything while i was asleep?

Anyways, from our last conversation, I still think heā€™s PoE. I donā€™t see his defense of Gorta deserving of a lot of towncred, he was second up in line and likely the second lynch, I could see this as a way to get towncred. He also remained pretty confident in someone who was far from confirmed mech townie.

I only think there might be one part of the Italy-Gorta interaction that deserves V points, and thatā€™s when Italy seems to have figured out what Gorta had on him, it sounded somewhat townie to me, though Iā€™m sure I could have probably done the same as W in his slot.

And I want to confirm you as well because Gorta is still LHF.
Iā€™ve talked about this with TBE already. I think his lynch is the most optimal one ā€“ but of course, I might be completely wrong.
Itā€™s just that Iā€™m mildly curious about the fact that you used Bounty N1 and now you seem to be backing out of that lynch.