SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)



but anstreim, me and arete are here

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itā€™s not even that late where I am

Your presence is precisely why I want to wait for other people :^)

how the fuck do you consider 1:17 ā€œnot lateā€

in the sense that I regularly go to sleep later (that much was true even before the pandemic)

Iā€™ll be fast asleep some hours before EoD anyway.

like I am actively putting effort into fixing my sleep schedule and I donā€™t consider the current time to indicate that I have failed in my objective

We still have 2 non-posters with 13 hours of D1 left. Iā€™m thinking of prodding these two by pinging them.
Never mind Iā€™ll do it now.
@Intensify and @Gaja1234.

I feel like all my reads are super lackluster and Iā€™m not sure how much of that is a me problem and how much of that is a ā€˜no one is postingā€™ problem

If this is about Intensify and Gaja, that is them not posting problem.

it is not only about them

people: be decent people and talk less on a d1 with no lynch

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Arete: ā€œNo one is postingā€
A few moments later: People start posting.

Relatable, though Iā€™m not sure how we can encourage more posting.
Weā€™ve discussed a few ā€˜bigā€™ points like Aliceā€™s RT and TBEā€™s behavior already but other than that ā€“ not much.

A few of us posted their readlists so Iā€™m just combing through those right now.

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people whoā€™ve been at least somewhat villagery:

Alice. Fine. I donā€™t actually think sheā€™s town but sheā€™s done more than zero villagery things.

everyone else:

CRich is also on this list

Arete I was about to ask about my name being omitted. All good.

may i interest you all in a readlist to start more discusison, then?


CRichard564 = Scumlean
katze = Locktown
TheBlueElixir = Scumread
Anstreim = Scumlean
Alice = Townread
Arete = Scumlean
Intensify = Locktown
Italy = Null
Napoleon = Locktown
an_gorta_pratai = Townread
ModeShifter = Locktown
Appelsiini = Null
Jane = Lockscum
SirDerpsAlot = Townread
Gaja1234 = Null
Clonedcheese = Scumread

does this mean you scumread them or you just donā€™t explicitly townread them