SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I’m voting for turtle though he scummier!

/Vote Turtle

Who tf is Turtle even supposed to be?

That slow sluggish thing with a shell.

I think Seth’s literally just lolcatting rn.


katze sleep

@Alice you didn’t do the thing and im sad

@arete you’re a nerd

@ChopChop you’re a wolf :joy_cat:

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now i head into my AP English Langauge test

if anyone sees me on here during the next hour
please yell at me


I HAVE AWOKEN FROM MY 7 year homework slumber


Also damn, you guys talk a lot, anyways, sorry I wasn’t on for a while, I thought these matches would start a littler later, not instantly. So did I miss anything important?

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As far as I can tell you mostly haven’t really made a read on me this game – given that, why did you feel comfortable being in Allies Chat with me?

so that’s who im working w/

making reads with 24 hours to discuss might be inaccurate

but its d1 and both me and the day(for me) are useless if i don’t try


Maybe nappy/ans, though not really ready to throw anybody in yet


Nappy - I think his pushing for reads is good and his tone is consistent.

Ans - so i have a tendency to stick to whoever writes big posts because they usually are out of scumranges/in detail and I think that applies here. They are putting in a lot of effort and flush out their PoV and reads well while trying to get others to do the same.

Appel - has content that I liked. Not a large amount of posts, but the content in each is condense and strong. Goes into depth with her opinions/thoughts and that’s a good look

Arete - skimming ISO i found this

everyone can only tag 1 other person per day.

anyway with the actual read - majority of the ISO is actually getting things out of people and giving things so that’s good, RT actually made some sense to me when it was done, reads felt natural, generally I like the slot. When katze was in chat things changed to be more 1 liners and jokes but that’s made up for by everything else + its d1.

katze - weakest TL but seems like their actually trying to steer their meta away from randomness and into tryharding. Made reads that were generally consensus, not a lot to say there but it was effort that was going in the right direction. Might belond with CRich, but this is where it is.

CRich - states the obvious a bit much, which could be trying to look like their contributing without contributing.

Has his own category because I want to track progression carefully and didn’t fit nicely into their own slot(I know i TL’d it earlier)


Jane - I don’t see why I should townlean this slot yet. 1/4 to 1/3 of their posts are fluff which isn’t a problem d1, seems a little like grabbing thread control but its probably NAI. They do alot ‘votes’ me, which is eh because I think most people would. They do have good reads and they don’t just sheep but im not yet ready to clear the slot.

alright so i just re-read what I wrote and everything there is me saying their null-townlean, with nothing against them, so heres a reworded.

Jane - This slot has got a lot of townleans and they haven’t done anything necessarily towny. They have reads, poke the nulls and said that the scum are probably in the nulls, but none of that was either unfakeable or from a particularly townie PoV. I think this slot is getting TL’d from activity and I think there isn’t enough discussion on the slot, in favor of being casually just agreed as town. He has tried to revive thread and get some answers out of people so definitely heading in the right direction but its not yet there.

Alice - saying your purposely acting weird then continuing to act weird doesn’t make it not weird. Between odd RTs that I didn’t get anything from(not sure if others did, if you did, say so), noot reads and the clear of cheese/argument against SDA that became a defending cheese because of the RT, but I don’t think that it was yet warranted

SDA - despite being a highposter I manage to forget 90% of what this slot says. So they get PoE’d

Gaja - no poster

Intensify - no poster(should have something by EoD, check the discord fol-general)

Italy - Don’t have a solid read on him so PoE’d. I don’t think that most people do have a read, because its all rando things… If i had to yolo the slot itd probably be v though, because posts feel natural, but I need more things that are relevant to make a hard stance.

gorta - low poster, if no meta what he has done is scummy, if meta its probably alright. Either way, not enough to exit the PoE.

cheese- low poster, don’t actually remember most of their posts besides the first

okay, so now I made reads. I already know a lot of people reading this don’t agree, and I certainly don’t expect Allies after this.

feel free to now interrogate me

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welcome lad


might want to read it

but rn just stay in real time with us, since the day ends at 3 pm

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in an hour

We trying to read everyone day 1 already? Ok then…

Oh wait day ends in an hour? Huh, I’m super late then

maybe they’ll help down the road

TBE, just read through the game.

How do you feel about being Allied with Alice?

or tomorrow

since there will be a lynch

i don’t know why

I don’t really want or need allies

but if i do get allies

I wont claim if im with mode/alice

and Im not sure how useful itd be


I disagree with your Allies choice. I don’t believe either player you have in there sufficiently trusts another in your Allies chat and it won’t likely won’t be very productive.

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