SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Alice feels narrow, more carefree, and idk feels like they are tossing out reads. Some things don’t resonate well with me (I don’t doubt her attitude was intentional but the purpose feels off especially since she seems to have really latched on to her conclusions that’s she’s made so far)

Doesn’t feel very agenda-y, so her slot is a bit confusing.

I want to ask you this before the day ends

Who are your top townreads and scumreads?

From what I remember, you’ve been there but not really doing much. I want to hear your thoughts.

I’m also interested in what you think of me, and why, given the quotes.

is there whisper in this or no…

Alice dosent feel like groupscum at the very least imo

NK or neut is plausible


His alignment might be like Chaotic Good or something… this is joke please don’t take this seriously.

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I think it actually helped your case a bit.
And I want you to continue doing that: your wall, though messy – had some points that I liked. Just continue.

It’s not about challenging reads on yourself, it’s about disputing them in general.

Ye I agree

there is no whispering

so you think she’s not taking this seriously enough

interesting read

also part of a conclusion that could be drawn by her lack of a big opener

No whispers Gaja, it would be nice but no

Has Vulgard ever put me as chaotic good before?

I think he has in FoL26

Top town






Also, spreadsheet with mostly updated reads – like I promised.

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Isnt outting who you think is bad not good since your likely a high priorty target?


im the only person I know is town

so im going to challenge false reads on me

but I will try to find bad/spicy reads and ask it to be explained

i think that’s what you meant about generally disputing reads?

and I thought I was being spicy when i PoE’d her

Alices overall play has been weird and I think she’s only Neut

What do you think her purpose is if she’s neut? Self-image?

I honestly have no idea