SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

thanks for spewing V

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Why do you think youā€™ve said something stupid?

for future reference, please do not delete posts.


I think that either way, like in ToS 2, even if she couldnā€™t be very active, its still a bit of a lame entrance

if your Cult then you wont be

if your BD or Unseen watch it but try to contribute please

Why do you think thatā€™s Village-indactive?

We both have no idea what were doing, when looking at our posts, just imagine us if we are playing a normal match of TOL

got it
also the post i deleted said" you cant whisper peter"

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I donā€™t think youā€™ve said anything stupid tbh

ek ek ek ek ek

oh have you looked at the archdeacon class cards?

besides allies, all of their abils are probably important enough to warrant looking at

I feel like reading OP in general would be a good idea.


that is exactly the attitude that I took numerous times

ā€œnot wanting to get lynched because I said something scummy when im not scumā€ is an extremely common attitude I htink, especially from someone I think is pretty new

now im a little less careful about my speech because i really dont give a fuck about anything in my mental state

See, I donā€™t want to speak very little cause I donā€™t want to seem susp but I also donā€™t want to comment on everything cause I some things I say might seem odd

might be better saved for night

though yeah

ā€œOddā€ thoughts mostly come from town.
Say what you have on your mind ā€“ it will help to further the discussion.

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If anything seems odd you can always back it up with a ā€œwhyā€

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I tend to look at the why instead of just the what as well

if you are cult

you will be seen as cult

this is particularly true for new players

however youll only be seen as cult if you are seen

but you already knew most of this, of course

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Itā€™s also really wierd having cult be the uninformed majorityā€¦ Iā€™m so used to having BD as majority killing every knight claim they see

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Arete, can you please check the scumchat? Iā€™ve been sending like 500 messages at you.

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scumslip scumslip

lynch lynch lycnh

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