SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Good night Appel.
I’ll probably follow your example shortly.

Where are you, my dear Meme King?

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My handsome Sleep Paralysis Demon*.
But yes, I want Italy in the thread as well.

I shall exist on this thread for a split second to see why i was pinged

I did not exist at ja e’s place ladt nigb

That was horrendous but i think u ppl got the idea

Vue now


Whenever this thread dies, that means that Arete/katze are not present.

Which leads me to ask, what is Arete/katze doing right now?



probably not a point to push, people have lives

thoughif nightkills are sorted out

what now

what do you think of alice TLing Mode for putting me/alice into allies

Might just be me but I kinda expected more from Arete activity-wise.
Kat is probably asleep like the nerd he is.

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In hindsight it was probably not a great question :crying_cat_face:

I’ll mention first that I didn’t visit Jane N1. I visited Napoleon.

I’m holding my thoughts on Alice for now.



Okay can we NOT announce who WE actually VISITED?

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i know im a hypocrite

but don’t out this stuff unless i guess its asked for?

I’m sorry for being like that but the only info that’s really useful right now is if we visited Jane or not.

We’re missing a night kill from N1. There are a few possible scenarios for the missing night kill.

  1. Someone was attacked and healed last night.
  2. Jane was targeted by group scum and Neutral Killer.
  3. One of the killers was bound or occupied last night.
  4. One of the killers hit a bound target last night.

appel/alice say they have some gamer reasons for knowing who killed people