SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

RT drunk on katze, claim to have redirected him, katze calls me out, I claim Alch who confirms katze

I might have been able to buy some time with this

Also Gorta seeker right?

I actually was going to soft-CC you as Deacon.
I even had fake logs prepared if I was put into Allies, but that never happened.

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Were you really surprised I neutread you?

Gorta was Fanatic who no actioned N1

just had two games end in 10 min of each other


I see; I wouldn’t have backed down though

i also was close to claiming the joat alch myself



thats why i thought you occed me n1

then you… didnt claim to have occed me n1. which was alarming?


Kinda obvious.

I thought they were seeker


Can I just say

thank you for not softing/outing.

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Seeker who Lookouted Alice, was somehow redirected, and is paranoid on Alice being converted

Ah yes

Merc who is incompatible with the Prince

i was trying lmao

would you have trusted my merc claim

what is this

anstreim was too obvious town tbh

scum missed a convert on him and not me, what the fuck why does nobody convert ME cause of it tho

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I wasn’t going to do it.
Did you not see my message that I despise how many people claimed straight away?

That happened to Tangeld too

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Scum would have killed Ans if we didn’t beat up Italy