SFoL 62: Regal Lions - Signups (18/18) - FULL

Were on a highway to hell it seems.


oh god oh fuck

Hello Highway.


/in on this or ur a nerd



Is playing more than one FoL game simultaneously bad? If yes, /spec, else /in.

It’s allowed

But it can be difficult to manage depending on the circumstances

It’s a preference

Playing 2 at once can wear you out quick and needs a lot of time

But if you have a lot of time and really like the setups, sure

Let’s try then, might need to be replaced in the middle though.

I think it could work considering I have nothing to do these days.

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(You can also /backup)

What’s a cult alt



Kinda unfortunately timed overall when 2 pretty big setups end at the same time and 2 other big setup open signups at the same time.


Ngl did not expect WoW to last that long

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/spectato chip

no in

maybe i’ll backup

but ans is scary so I don’t want to play with him and I heard he was joining this game :^)

problem is we have tons and tons and tons of large setups in the queue


small vanilla setups ftw

joat9 is godly
it is just so positive and generous

Oh yeah he specifically wanted me to DM him when it opened :^)