SFoL 62: Regal Lions - Signups (18/18) - FULL

you probably shouldn’t trust me for neut advice

now give me neut advice

Not really?

Wait nevermind, that was something else. Ignore that

Now if I could roll neutral for once, that be great.

Roll Cult Leader and die n1. Even better!

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I learned from Marshal that you don’t have to read the thread word for word. If you see something that interests you then you can pay more attention to it, but skimming it is fine. You can always re-read certain things later

Cult will always be forbidden from winning no matter what
It is rule mods forgot to add

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get counterclaimed by executioner
executioner is now death immune that night

Sure you may die N1

But it’s Cult

it’s not like cult ever wins

It’s actually not a bad play to cc in that situation

Executioner gets strongmanned

And/or it was an evil baiting it with Fiddler shenanigans

You have forced me to read your message to the full because it was exactly 3 lines.


Strategy time

NEVER vote up someone beyond 2/3rds unless they ARE the lynch for the day

nooooooooooooooooooooo let the Fiddler win

…Didn’t we already say that?

Inb4 Imperialist lowers the bar for 2/3 and the Fiddler wins anyway

Either I forgot or it blended in with the hundred times I said it when it was in the neutral competition
judging that was a mess

I am not known for longer posts, just ask anyone on this site, but that strategy really helps when you have to go through 1.5-3k posts a day


You have stolen the insert arbitrary objeect here