SFoL 62 - Spectator Chat

Well I assume anyone who follows the game can figure it out easily (not me since I only saw by chance and I’m not actually following the game)

Yeah and we are trying to minimize it by saying meant for the wrong chat. It’s a terrible situation but we dont want another eevee alt replaceme in situation if possible

if nobody saw

they ayaya it’s fine

but N people really hate some people knowing who’s an alt and some people not


It’s all completely ridiculous imo, but you are the boss.

If katze really wanted to play on alt, it should be his responsibility if he fucked up and is unable to tell on which account he’s on.

Not host’s problem.

idk how you accidentally post on the wrong account


I think the thing imma start enforcing is using different light themes

I’d prefer not to ask given kat said she was using amber theme for the alt

kat probably took a trip away from regal lions-ville and to the butler at adiart if you know what I mean

Yeah but white versus grey or black. Or vice versa such be a good enough kick in the butt

Can agree there

Problem is that it’s light mode wretches

Or maybe like make it so you can’t save the login to your alt

So you have to actually like log in to in every time ?


I don’t think that’d help


stupid discourse saved the login password for my main (marshal) as the password for frankie so I had to manually type it in every time

I realized that I copied a link once on main (and it said u=Marshal at the end) and posted it on frankie but I think nobody noticed

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Tbh I have no interest in playing on an alt and dont think I ever will. Too much stress plus would rather just better myself

I think if you’d ever accidentally post on a an alt tho it’d be like

You’re already on your main, forget you’re on your main, and then post something

So I don’t think changing the log in would really do anything

… oml

katze basically spewed themselves the moment they started using color in people’s quotes.

You could manipulate ‘slipping’ your alt to gain an advantage
If you know the people in threaf will townread you off meta, slip your alt and the post will be deleted
Nobody else will know it’s your alt :upside_down_face:

Icant replace in right