SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

I put my shot in slightly before the day started, but apparently it was too late and even after I explained everything still nothing

Can it can it

Nothing wrong with venting out

if someone changes their action at the very last second and completely changes the night
thatā€™s what the deadline is for
so that they donā€™t do that

amelia used it to deny magnusā€™ incarcerate, killing an innocent child and the backup to the most powerful town

Itā€™s his fault for not playing a game he committed himself to.
How is that not grounds for a black list?

That is host abuseā€¦

Besides this isnā€™t the 1st time Magnus refuses to play the game.

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i donā€™t want to accuse amelia of anything, but the extreme importance of magnusā€™ night action should have at least been reason enough to accept it
the absolute tide turning force of not processing that one night action could very well result in a BD win

Donā€™t forget to blame Centuries for not listening to you Italy.

The same thing happened with the day bleed from Surge, then again Surge should have waited to submit his action so itā€™s like dont wave your hand to send the wasp away from stinging you.

how exactly? if itā€™s too close to the day when actions are being processed?

at least I donā€™t think itā€™s intentional or host abuse just to be a jerk

how many night results do you think magnus would change
exactly two
centuries gets occupied, and magnus doesnā€™t die
i donā€™t want to accuse amelia of host abuse, but this is just stupid

At least deep down I knew Magnus is going to be trouble with his inactivity

it completely goes against the purpose of the deadline

Lets hope itā€™s much more with a black list and shunning him from future games until he improves.

you canā€™t expect people to improve by leaving them out of everything

why not just make a night action process deadline aka ā€œprocess your night actions before [x] or they will not be submittedā€

Heā€™s a repeat offender. There have to be consequences for this.