SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

are you trying to get on my good side so you can feel like you did something impactful this game
because if you are
it’s 100% working

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if we had an actual Heroine, i’d say
but we dont

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am i not currently in the shadow realm

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well yes
but actually no

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they say you can’t be alive and dead at the same time
i disagree

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get wazza
my final message

i’ve just been thinking of how hilarious it’d be if wazza died n3

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why would that be so funny

Cant i just be

both hob and bd target for n1 kill

because if he flipped marauder, it’d confscum whysper due to the fact that it’d mean he didn’t kill you

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well yes
but actually yes

i think you’re thinking of the wrong class

you can
but i will bend reality to fit how i see it

i most certainly am not marauder counterattacks and is DI until n2, and gain a night every time they take a life

then… wait

if wazza killed you he’ll be death immune on n3 and kill attackers

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he didn’t kill me i was never redirected
unless u dont recieve red feedback or something

limited feedback
only invests are told if they’re redirected, and they aren’t told who they’re redirected to

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well it appears i was wrong
im still pretty sure he’s hob since
haha centuries dies

anyways have fun being lonely in dead chat nerds

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