SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Also what the actual hell is this.

@Italy Are you actually fucking serious about any of this?
We were following the rules that were there since the beginning of the game, accusing hosts of “denying someone’s actions” because they couldn’t submit them in 23 hours is ???


i can tell what this sounds like
i in no way want to or plan to accuse amelia of breaking rules
i’m saying this isn’t the thing the deadline was made for
and more importantly
you’ve seen things through your PoV
from my point of view, i came to win
i at least wanted to be able to feel like i could win
suddenly a night action gets denied
apparently nobody ever got a “hey you haven’t submitted a night action” prod
and having to fight through gamethrowing, willage, only to suddenly be put down because one night action wasn’t processed killing a PR and an IC
does that sound like fun
being denied of your chances of winning by that
i’ve already made it clear that i’d like to stop talking about this game and if you had any respect for that wish i’d prefer if we left it at that

Italy, may I be a vc bot in your FM game

yes but you should probably ask the other hosts too

Deadline was made to process actions.
But changing that one hour deadline half into the game wouldn’t make any sense.

Not “suddenly”, it got denied because it wasn’t submitted in time, there was no “You know what? I won’t process this action because I don’t want to.” decision. There was a “This action was submittted too late and therefore cannot be accepted, if we process it now, then we would be favoring Magnus because we didn’t process Gorta’s actions either.”
Do you see where I’m coming from?

It’s a rule. A rule that we had to follow.

Either way I’m not keen on discussing it either, but posts like these surely looked like you were accusing Amelia of doing this on purpose – and I don’t want to stand by that and watch it because it’s literally not true:

Have a good day.


Lemme test something:


Can I accuse Cloned of cheating in Chess?

I slightly hate you for this.