SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

So if the game doesn’t end with Gorta being yeeted, you’d start with Wazza/Leafia 1st?

and they still show up as k/o to checks while heroine
yes i would start with wazza/leafia probably

both are also pretty good wolves so that’s an added bonus

and both of them would have claimed kills on wolves by the end of night 2 so they would stay cleared for a while
definitely good conversion targets, especially since an unseen king would almost certainly be protecting italy that night
since italy getting converted on that night would mean 2 conversions for wolves at the same time (italy + centuries, the player he revived)
so italy had to be conv protected
which would leave leafia/wazza open
especially since we had no conv protector claims

Which is quite surprising seeing that 2 conversions maximum are possible every night.

true but the rand is the rand

i really hate the ad hominem from frost but it’s >rand v
not saying he’s v based on that but

Frostwolf used the r word.
That is in itself grounds for a warning right?

Dead scum can’t speak in scum chat.
I would know because once I died as Unseen in SFoL 61.5. I got booted out of the Unseen discord server.

it does
more than one person is getting banned after this game
or blacklisted

i’m sad to say that but it’s the truth

zone openly gamethrew by killing a town pr night 1 for no reason other than a grudge that ignored pkr’s alignment
frost is going full ad hominem and using the r word

i don’t hate either of those people but these are facts and i don’t think we should let that slide

Yeah we’ll let the mods deal with this.
There is no excuse for using the r word here in any context.

i should note that it’s not the first time for him
he also gamethrew in his champs qualifier not too long ago

but this is probably something i should bring to the mods and not this chat

There is always the option of flagging the post.

Pretty sure anyone can do it as a member of this community.

let’s focus on the game

i just want them to yeet gorta at this point i think