SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

yes i know frost allegedly slipped but i think it can be taken both ways and if i’m right about the post not being a slip then i get cred postgame

Frost also dies, so there is that

Aren’t you forgetting the slip where he knew PK was Observer when no Unseen except Italy could know that?

i’ve already explained why that didn’t have to be a slip but whatever

Seriously how is that not a slip?

Even English not his 1st language cannot explain that away.

we shall see
since he dies anyway i don’t think there’s a point in talking about him

italy what was the purpose behind getting my logs? why did you want them so badly?

The more I look at what Frostwolf said, the more I think “This does not come from village Frostwolf”.

Frost isn’t important here

based on gut feelings i would go for alice whysper kills
that is all

Imagine if I had lived and got to shoot Whysper

That is 100% your fault you know that right?

Not exactly, I had a chance to live until Alice pressured people

Alice’s gambit wouldn’t have worked if you submitted a night action.
This isn’t hard to understand.

but that’s beside the point

I hear you, but I don’t want to focus on that now. I got my salt out earlier. My mind is doing better now

Like I said before, it only takes a few minutes to log into FoL and submit your night action to the host.

Anyway the past is the past.

Yup, my reasoning doesn’t change, but yeah let’s look forward