SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

not sure how change sheets works when multiple people of the same faction attack a player

but they weren’t attacked by scum

also, if you weren’t jailed, you’re dead to vengeance

you know that right @Italy

Italy are you jailed or not?

I mean Alice and Frostwolf being the last BD has to be it right?
It can only be those two.

Also there is a chance that because they failed to kill Italy with CtA activated, that they might decide not to kill Italy because they think he was jailed and instead someone else got jailed.

wazza feels confident that i won’t be attacked

i, however, am not confident


why not kill you

nothing can stop vengeance

you’ve laid out your plan bare for them; they know ur not jailed

you need to construct your logs now and use the space you have well

Wait then who did Zone jail last night?

If it’s someone like Whysper, then we can rule them out as not convert.

Whysper got jailed last night.

whysper was already prob cleared from my logs

That jail on Whysper should reveal if they are convert or not.

i was jailed last night

Which night? N3 or N4?

Good night everyone.
I’ll be awake for a few more hours until D5 starts.

night three

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@Italy let us help you refine your logs

you are absolutely dead

wazza intends to push an alice lynch if i die
i intend to push an alice lynch if i do not die