SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

you dont

if we kill alice

then heroine has to become the visionary thus cannot kill

gk has the ability to make someone 1 shot conversion immune

and he wasted it

its 3 shot?

now PK shows up

i see what u mean

he has a 3 shot make someone 1 night conversion immune

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Who does Seth convert?

nvm seth heroine bc i dunno

ok so we yeet alice


AT, king
(one of the 3 above is 100% convert)
(1 of them most likely convert the other conf town)

No one if he is jailed.

did seth actually just not bear to make themselves convert immune

did someone actually try to convert them

He can be occ immune if he used the swap thingy already


opinion on me dying ? :slight_smile:

Would Zone be able to jail him?

  • Alice - yeet D5
  • Seth - yeet D6
  • Leafia - Can’t convert N5, dies to seth hunter D6 if scum - conf town after
  • Whysper - yeet D7
  • SDA - yeet D8
  • AT - conftownish, make italy convert immune
  • Italy - convert immune, conftown.

This assumes that whysper is town (they look like it) and king is good (also looks like it)

that was a fat F

I wish it didnt happen but it did happen and so …


great job this game ash

you were obv town past d1 and lead them through the mech minefield

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they cant convert italy
they cant convert at

they have to convert in sda/seth/leafia/whysper

ok so

leafia first vote on seth to knock out new visionary

there’s 1 scum in sda/whysper

Is Italy convert immune?