SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

How does Alice die tonight?

does she not die to bleed

Doesn’t that prolong life for 2 days?

the bleed is more then likely fake

Temporal Distortion (Night) - Delays a player’s death for 2 days. This will delay ongoing bleeding in addition to attacks. You can prevent a death multiple times. Cannot delay unhealable attacks or suicide. - Infinite uses :crown:

especially if starting vis they just wanted to pull off another convert

if alice never switched, derps can block. That’s the only way we win.

That or AT blocks kill/convert on italy&derps

Who’s in allies?

we dont know

AT is the good king because if he wasn’t it should have ended

the bleed is 100% fake.

a) it’s on wolf
b) they already bled thrice - vulgard, zone, surge

Anyway I’m not playing with Magnus again after this is over.

SDA needs to stop Alice from converting and the king needs to use a royal guard to protect against a night kill

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This is actually still winnable

Can Leafia kill in jail?

Leafia being jailed stops the night kill. So they only need to stop the conversion.

if AT is HoB king stuck between a BD win and an Unseen win this is going to be such a meme

allies might not have happened because loltown
jail might have also not happened because loltown.

if jail didn’t happen, p sure we lose

SDA can stop the convert then

Doesn’t Zone have a night jail?