SFoL 63 - Dead Chat


day action.

Zone likely jailed Leafia though

@Italy please tell me you are in allies

Which means no night kill if Leafia is convert. If unseen King, they can vote out Leafia and we have to hope King can still protect against conversion.

hopefully SDA does what is right

Alice visionary still bleeding
Leafia heroine jailed
SDA blocks Alice
Italy should be convert immune
AT king

If Leafia gets executed then SDA can block Alice and the king can guard Italy again

Does anyone have the kings logs?

you know that alice isnt bleeding most likely

and uh

occ immune :^)

tbh everyone knows who the scum are.

only question is can we block them.

(also alice is never actually bleeding)

heroine is the one out of jail most likely

Alice is occupy immune?

most likely?

Can’t Italy take a soul?

and then? what

BD recruiter isnt occ immune

kill Alice

they can just switch though

If Italy takes Alice’s soul then we could stop the convert and yeet Leafia tomorrow

derps jails

king guards - 50/50 shot.

kill leafia because they are always occ immune

derps tries to occ, king tries to block

kill alice.

probably about 30% win.

depending on if the day switch was used

given that leafia mightve been jailed, its possible theyd rather have the converter go free