SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Derps should block Alice and let’s hope that it’s Wazza/Derps/Italy in allies again

Now, guess who will they kill/convert :thinking:

My money is on they try Italy kill derps

Is it time to post joy shrimp?

what can i post in the

thread to improve townplay but



don’t sheep Alice on d3

I feel like we should give italy a tldr of everything they need to do.

Is this the max% win strat?


the fact you get mislynched every game

and the fact you get not listened to every game

isnt our fault

People underestimate me

I can be very good as town and scum, but everyone underestimates me as a player

I don’t think it’s too hard to be obvious town on this website

like look at Italy/SDA

I was obvious town socially

you can have correct reads

but if no one ever listens to them

and ure never obvious town

then ure like


ud have been obvious town if u had used your night action

look here’s how your game shouldve gone night 3:

shoot anyone

thats it

you’d be ic walking in thread

Do I post the spoilered part and ping italy?

yes ofc

even if we have lost already :^)

I know, but I think Alice would have still called me the heroine or some crap like that “or I had my heroine kill for me”

whats up spec chat btw hope u had fun

i didnt