SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

I think we still have a chance if everyone does the right thing

look gorta

if u arent able to acutally process your action its entirely your fault and the fact no one listens to your read isn’t the website’s fault it’s your playstyle which leads to that

@Italy get yer rear end over here


Even if I had shot I don’t think Alice would clear me, she would find some way to accuse me, but I get what you mean

no no

i wouldnt have been for ur yeet if u had some precedent

if u have a nk to your name

then u clear

Y’know, if people submit their action, scum would be hecked as hell.

In summary:

@Italy give this to the jokers in allies. This is the best chance we have of winning.

Remember how I went from “never being the Visionary” -> being the most likely “Visionary suspect”?

you were in a pool of 3 and had done nothing to get out of it

I was actually debating shooting Alice n2 and that would have saved the game, but I feared the backlash

i think a good way to actually imrpove this website play is to

actually punish gamethrowers

actually force replace out people who arent playing

magnus had no business still being into the game when he’s below 20p/p with 5 post in the past 2 days

you guys always go “we have to replace out no posters” but it only takes the dude 1 post per phase to never get replaced out

I talked myself out of it for not wanting to heroshot

shouldve shot shrug

also lets make nights 25 hours if the last hour doesnt count :^)

not saying this bc we lost the game on that but yeah

Alice visionary
Leafia heroine jailed
SDA blocks Alice
Italy should be convert immune
AT king
Technically we could win this if Italy is in allies, Zone jails Leafia, and Alice is blocked by SDA

its kinda bs how magnus couldnt submit an action when like

i dont think processing his action changes the night that much

it’s just 2 less flips

What do you think of Ash’s plan?

Seems pretty great.