SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

exactly at the moment when i could’ve started re-evaluating
technically i can do the same thing from dead chat but for some reason i don’t often make use of that opportunity

remember how i told you it wasn’t necessarily a slip of the tongue and you were all assuming too much

he was talking about mole not being visionary because pk wouldn’t have been able to use follow if he were observer because he got converted to heroine by the end of d1

that’s what he said

His bad wording got him killed.

the people who pushed him for it are not blameless
read posts
don’t just skim and assume

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also he was in townmeta the whole time

Still Vulgard, quite a few people are going to be in the black list after this.

it’s like the excuse alice used to get me vigged
“oh i tinfoiled him as the convert” because i talked about converts for 15 minutes when we already had a designated yeet for the day
what is that excuse i’ve been villagery the whole game

We were screaming at Centuries to attack Alice, yet he went for Magnus.

Mind you it doesn’t help Magnus is a serial slanker.

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i don’t disagree with your points honestly

@Centuries you do realise you could have attacked the obvious wolf over the Torturer.

i understand that play even though it ended up backfiring
let’s not be a classic salty dvc okay?

Time Snatcher is on Alice so I could kinda understand his logic?

i’m just annoyed at the game but i’m not gonna be salty about it, i’m just a bit annoyed that people are overlooking villagery stuff while pushing others

this applies to me with cloned
i have learned that his tell is not actually a tell and i will have to read him differently, sorry cloned

also lolmechanics
and also, if alice is a starting wolf then it seems her towntell isn’t real either unless multiball is the exception
i made the mistake of relying on it too much

We pointed out the plan to Centuries through Italy who happened to be in Allies chat.
He attacks Alice and if Centuries didn’t die, then Alice is 100% wolf.

Anyway I’m not playing any game Magnus is in again.

What could I have done better for my tunneling play on D1 if my intention were to try to clear both me and Alice :thinking: