SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Insanity is screwing with us

itā€™s going to be far too hard to not yell at several people postgame
most notably the person who thought spamming ad hominem and outright using the r word was a valid defense
our good buddy the gamethrower
and the certain someone who completely changed the tide of the game by outright IGNORING the total purpose of the deadline just because they wanted to hardline it

but they shouldnā€™t be able to convert tonight if everything falls into place

i have not been this pissed since BotF2

please tell me they got the plan

thereā€™s no way derps isnā€™t occing alice
and AT is guarding derps

Leafia should be in jail, so you should be safe from conversion

this gameā€™s already fragile (and rather questionable) integrity is just being constantly pushed while half the town is just ultra willage

to sad you played bad :frowning:

didnā€™t your entire scumteam die before getting a single convert

yes because the setup was town sided OwO.

It doesnā€™t help that everyone sheeps Alice when that stuff is in her scum range

my open wolf play was godlike

Alice can fake a bleed as scum and she can bus her team

the scum were nerfed to compensate for the fact that itā€™s a 3v3v20 and town would drop like flies
maybe donā€™t die so quickly

one word unseen killer

wait thats two

We know some people are getting blacklisted after this game.
For good reason too.

we had three baronets in last virtuous and lost
large numbers of town killers only serve as liabilities

like who the duke who spite exeā€™d marshal lol?