SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Seriously Gorta, you could have avoided all this by submitting your night action in time.

Yeah, but what I said wasnā€™t a lie. I honestly forgot to submit my night action due to getting occupied

Then this is 100% on you then.

You forget about other things when you are focused on trimming trees, cleaning up after, getting something to eat, and then resting

Ok sure. Though it only takes a few seconds to type in your night action.

Oi, donā€™t antagonize someone just because they missed submitting an action.

How so? This shouldnā€™t have happened.

Sure, but sometimes people do forgot stuff from times to times when they were doing other stuff.

If Alice isnā€™t healed and survives to D5, then she is outed wolf.

the plan is for ash to delay her tonight

I can confirm Italy was jailed by Zone N3 when I died.
So Zone is not convert.

Prince could still jail though, where did you reach the conclusion on that?

sorry to say that her push on you was NAI

even when town, she tends to become blinded in certain perspectives

the reason why lots of people fear her, myself included, is that she is incredibly powerful at dominating the agenda as all alignments

that said, sheā€™s probs unseen, since as vulgard pointed out, HoB could not have bled when she got bled, and also, she was bled D3, which would have been after she was converted

Prince is not allowed to exist unless there are 3+ bd alive

I was unable to investigate my target which indicates I couldnā€™t visit Italy N3.

yeah, he was jailed

Zone canā€™t be Prince because there is only 2 BD right?
So the convert becomes Heroine which means Zone canā€™t be convert.

Where is Derps anyway?

He didnā€™t post even once D4 if Iā€™m back reading correctly.

heā€™s legit

no one could have occupied me on whysper but him, p sure