SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

If he hadn’t bled the Visionary I would be alive and the town would have an extra vig

Except you had N3 to prove yourself.

no, you still would have died due to failing to attack

town would have just vigged frost at night

I can control that now, but my damn house is falling apart and my family is too lazy to fix things before they get too bad/don’t have the money to fix things when they get bad, so I usually have to do 90% of the labor and yard work despite being “lazy”

let’s just calm down

it’s only a game

gorta, if we lose, i will say that i attribute no more than 18% of the blame to you

multiple other townies played suboptimally, cloned, me, et cetera.

we still have a great chance due to how well we did early on

I can’t recall how many times I get called things like “lazy” in my real life and to hear “oh you are doing nothing” when I put the effort in really pisses me off. Like this game I was “lazy” despite spending a week working on making a read list and when I try I still get shit for it

“oh it’s your fault for missing your night action” piss off with that crap. It’s not my fault that I get caught up with real life stuff and forget to do a thing in some game. It’s not my fault that I have to be the damn handyman/lawn work guy in my family

You did fine, I just know you as more of a mechanics player

i want to be able to be good socially, but that’s not something im capable of

it’s not fun to be an LHF forever, which is why im done with fm for good now

I think you could get good at it. You just have to train yourself if you don’t have a decent intuition and even if you do you still have to have the social skills, which I lack. That’s what I have been working on, but when I try to up my game I still end up in some goddamned PoE because “oTheRs aRe ToWNier thAN YoU”. This game honestly was not as much fun as some others

I might play again if tan ever hosts another BotF

but that’s it

Like when I am pushed to the point of swearing and typing in all caps this is not me having fun

but it’s the only thing that would make people even hear what I have to say

italy correctly townread both you and me

but even as town leader, his voice just isn’t powerful enough

It’s because people sheep Alice and it usually leads to us losing or coming close to it when we have such a strong start

Most of the people said I was likely town, but voted me up anyway because Alice said so. I am so proud of Leafia for actually sticking with me there instead of sheeping the thread

You dipped a bit d2, but I think you were towny no matter what they say

If there is one thing I can’t stand it’s not ever getting heard when you have proven to be a decent player because you aren’t super social and then people sheeping the loud “pros” who usually aren’t as good as they claim

oh, they’re good
good at dominating the agenda

it’s just not possible to be perfect
even for alice