SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Bruh seriously.

holy fucking shit dude

Can you stop being AFK for at once?

How are you dead, though?

can u like actually sub out if ure not even going to submit night action correctly

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i have guilt idiot

Reminder to keep it civil


nah but im tired of villagers who do nothing all game long and cant even submit an action to save their life

Guilt typically doesnā€™t take effect immediately.

Didnā€™t you see what Italy told you in Allies chat?

I literally tried.

I was never invited to an Allies chat.

I dont care if you tried or not

you had 23 hours to submit an action

Magnus if youā€™re not going to play, just donā€™t.

Most of that time took place overnight, when I was asleep.
I calculated that I should have time if I woke up earlier, and didnā€™t realise there was a before SoD action submit limit.

heh heh heh

you got FOOLED

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amelia flavor when

Ok you know what? If Magnus is in a game, Iā€™m out.

Like I said, keep it civil

I think my anger is justified when we lose the game over someone not being able to even submit a night action in time

Itā€™s 24 hour long night phases if you cannot even submit a night action in the span of 24 hours witohut a valuable reason

plesae do not sign up!