SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Thank you.

Ever heard about players being salty?

at least not with IRL stuff
go ahead in FM
but like
if theyā€™re proven good (via death)
and then they say something about not doing action cuz IRL stuff
thatā€™s perfectly fine

Whatever. Itā€™s fine. Magnus resolved.

Now did italy get info from N.1 about the roleblock?

Yes and why wouldnā€™t I be salty?

well at least he tried!

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ure just saying this because itā€™s helping your faction

The logic about this is outrageous. Me lying about that is pointless when it can be easily proven true or false after the game.

i understand why you think that way
but cā€™mon
at least give some leeway to those who make mistakes

Exactly how though?
Itā€™s already happened.

Iā€™m not giving him leeway he literally gamethrew and he had an entire 24 hour long nightphase to submit the action. Thereā€™s no ā€œbut I forgotā€ he has no actual excuse but the fact he was too lazy to send it at any time during the day but before night end

have a nice day
for all we know he has a very busy sched (which he has implied he does)

Why is he still in the game then?

Thatā€™s why people can sub out. In case real life prevents them from playing the game.

you go ask him
i wouldnā€™t speak for him but
i think it has something to do with
school starting (at least for me)


So italy targeted cent, not surge.

surge is literal night-immune counterattacker.

This implies I intentionally worked against town. If I was going to do so, I wouldā€™ve done so earlier in the game.

Most of which was overnight. And I did submit the action. It was too late.

I said I forgot about the one-hour rule, not the action itself.

Itā€™s a literal 24 hour long nightphase I donā€™t care if it starts and end at 5am you still had an entire day to submit it

i get the feeling some people would feel guilty about subbing out and stuff
i mean they shouldnā€™t
but they do so
idk if thatā€™s magnus but


Just stop going on about magnus. It is what it is. Letā€™s just try to keep calm for a bit? If after the game you want a signup ban or something you can talk to the mods.