SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

I swear if this is DGADT 2 and we yeet the most obvious non confirmed town once more

I snap

Imagine getting one of the 2 evil factions out early and because 2 people donā€™t bother to submit their night actions, that the remaining scum team wins the game.

Anyway, people are getting toxic in this game.


But can we please chill for a moment :eyes:

Iā€™m all for chilling but seriously wtf is wazza on?

He always get pretty agitated when people are not listening to him and or when something ticks him off.

Also that move by alice taking surgeā€™s hunter thing is devious.

An act to get the deeds done :^)

we can just force leafia to be the first vote on surge otherwiseā€¦


When I proposed my plan, I was always healing alice. If/when you told me to do somethkng different, I honestly didnā€™t see it.

lol the only reason i was ā€œbussedā€ is because i casually defended Insanity


I have told you I am fine with dying.

although when i made the post about his push
iā€™d like to think that if I was Unseen i would have defended him anyways

Leafia Vote Surge!

Did he just openwolfed as HoB King?

ā€¦aw :(

Anyway, town pretty much lose here as Surge is the convert, lmao.

lol that means he actually is lol

so why did you convert him anyway

Ask Alice when she was dead :stuck_out_tongue:

But I think it is because of lolSeth power :wink:

@EliThePsycho why did you convert surge?