SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Why are we killing Seth it’s dumb asf

Seth can still flip town

tbh I need to take a break from watching the thread. I’ll help coordinate night actions once we know what jail&lynch are

I don’t think we’re killing seth, we’re just trying to get alice to be not-first-voter

I think.

but why it doesnt change anything

I suspect that wazza is going to evaluate [jail alice, exe poe] vs [exe alice, jail poe] before anything happens

wait wtf happened

wait they hammered??

How do we win now?


why kill surge

Oh heck, they’re dropping the whole poe.

alice has max one convert target I think.

do we even have maj if both flip town

do we have room also

What are the chances?

wtf its just a gamble on king now

scum can just nk? and convert


they threw

they threw if no one flips scum

This resolves surge and whysper.

Not the best move but it’s still winning I think

how is it winning if both flip town??



alice was swapping votes around to avoid death and leafia quickhammered

does nobody see it

its bd king isnt it