SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

everything wedges on who was jailed


Yep time to get some people banned.
We have game throwers here.

How does this affect things?

Can Leafia not kill if jailed?

how to get carried by bad town as bd 101

wazza you better explain your thought prcoess here

No jail bypasses occ immunity.

its mylo and we dont yeet openwolfer

how are we this bad at mafia

what is this forum

assuming the worst is assuming nobody was jailed

sda will probably stop alice from converting

so with 3KP, including zone, we end up with

10p alive tomorrow. 2 wolves, 1 king, no jailor or backup.

So Alice can be jailed and not convert?

wiat its n5 rightj

not n4?

This is the same FoL people who always scum read me for the stupidest reasons.
What did you expect?

title wrong

They have CONVERT and KILL

sda will probably be able to remove the convert part

actually I have no clue what sda will do

but i hope they stop the convert

Can Alice be occupied?

Also why are people rushing to end the day rather than talk things out?
That is how town loses the game.



If derps occ’s alice, leafia should be in jail.

Unless they swapped twice, visionary should be occ vulnerable.

…oh wait, they can kill to win too.