SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

i’m incredibly lonely
but if i was i’d make sure to tell AT hi for you

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Could TBE be BD :eyes:

is he in your five man PoE
i mean for all i know he’s HoB but

you get to share your theories after you’ve finished digging your way out of the grave m’kay?

I think TBE dropped off hard enough to trigger my spidey senses

I’m already getting out the grave so idcc

i’m not grabbing the shovel
all i’m doing is bringing you back, get digging nerd

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Unless you wanna be the 3rd throwing townie :eyes:

brb finding centuries five man PoE

found it
you should add TBE

You don’t have PKR to support you

You oughta rez me :sunglasses:

i can’t tell if this is genuine or an attempt to throw us off

help what do i say to this

i’m reviving you
and that’s it
better claw your way out before you run out of air

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the identity of the visionary

Not Whysper

Maybe not Leafia

Not Cheese

Maybe N

Gorta :eyes:

the visionary is obviously Italy

you’ve caught me


Centuries has been revived!
They are still stuck in their grave though, good luck hearing through 6ft of dirt


are you sure about that :^)