SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

If Frostwolf isn’t Visionary, then who is it then?

by poe it looks like gorta is visionary honestly

almost everyone else has mechanical stuff going for them which clears them from being visionary
the fact both starting bd scum other than visionary died in the first cycle makes it significantly easier to narrow that down

How is it not a slip that Frostwolf knew PK was Observer even though he flipped Heroine?

i’m not actually sure if whysper is confirmed and that’s giving me pause

read the post he wrote again

Whysper did redirect PK into Wazza who then killed PK.

you could read that as a slip but it doesn’t have to be a slip, just poorly phrased

Also executing the bleeder is a waste of time.

Frostwolf bleeds out tonight no? So therefore why not let him bleed out and execute someone else?

So let me get this straight Vulgard. Are you telling me Frostwolf is bad when it comes to articulating himself?

If Gorta is Visionary, then who would he have most likely converted?


hell if i know
literally anyone outside of poe would’ve been fine
alice reads as a convert socially, but the fact she’s bled and isn’t even asking ash to delay her death is really weird for her regardless of alignment
i wanna say she has tmi on the bleed being fake and that’s why her instinct isn’t telling her to request a death delay? maybe?

I think I know how Alice was bled.

Could it be L1ght?

That is if the bleed is real.
If it’s fake, then she 100% outed wolf and dies.

i should also point out the fact that english isn’t frost’s native language

Bruh really?

i mean
i think it’s fairly obvious

but i’m saying that just in case