SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

Except they can’t actually execute because jail

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But then the scumteam strongmans them like in SFoL 53 :sunglasses:

wifom but neither die

Pretty much

if you wanted to have backup duke
just add backup duke and have them be guaranteed

Torturer becomes Duke if Duke dies
Perfect :sunglasses:

It kind of fits in flavor given both are royal

then you can keep base ability as is
to make it a little more reasonable you can make marshal a prestige unique class since lol3guaranteed super strong prs

So I guess
Base torturer
Torturer is guaranteed
Torturer has a passive that makes him turn Duke if Duke/Prince/Warden die


Torturer: LIBERAL
captive: dies

Liberal King

Torturer gains ability to eviscerate king if they are liberal

/pre-in as VCbot

@Amelia do you want to make a design cord for this or is there no need since it’s open
i’d ideally like a space to discuss stuff privately if any more changes need to be made

I don’t even know what else I’d change with it though

(since virtuous as a setup is my child)

and now you see me add in 2 dukes

(what a riddle)

but i would prefer 2 dukes to making duke unconvertible lol