SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

So now torturer is a backup duke basically

the crux of virtuous as a setup is that it utilizes the fact that everyone is convertible as an incentive to not claim

it’s a very effective way of countering what massclaim could otherwise break in a game with so many powerful mechanical abilities all interacting at the same time

Also you may notice

Yeah torturer still converts to prince or warden

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That’s k

wasn’t an original plan to have torturer have imprisons or am I just high

i forgot

okay i should probably take a look at this

can someone do me a favor and repost the newly added classes?

Here’s rhe Unseen ones

Here’s BD/HoB

0 problems with auditor, can stay as-is

tracker is weaker then watcher, so i would swap this around if you really want to keep the watcher thing (which i don’t)
have it be a follow-type ability as a baseline and make it a watcher ability if upgraded

Transfusion (Night) - Send your souls to gaze at a player. You may augment this ability by spending souls. For each soul you spend, you may choose an additional effect. You cannot spend more than two souls at a time, and you cannot choose the same effect twice. If you do not spend any souls, the ability does nothing aside from being a visit.

  • Learn who the target visits, or if they did not visit anyone.
  • Learn the target’s alignment.
  • Learn the target’s class type.
  • Learn if the result you receive is correct or not. (Your result can be changed by effects such as framing, tailoring, mindwarping, etc.)

maybe i didn’t understand the wording before but my version seems more balanced at a glance
you have powerful checks but they rely on people dying so they can’t be used to get Unseen to snowball
i’d also consider only giving Mortician souls for Unseen members who die, not every single player

Amalgamation (Night) - Mash two souls into a monster and send it to kill a player. If you kill a member of the Unseen with this ability, you will be unable to gain more souls permanently.

change it to three souls so you can’t vig n1
there’s enough n1 vigs in the setup

also mortician should probably be prestige or unique because it’s a really strong class

plaguebearer is perfectly fine

wench is perfectly fine

i like alchemist (the bd class)
i think it’s fine

i like tavernkeeper a lot

patron seems fine

for exorcist i’m not sure how inheriting transfusion/infusion as a champion even works
can you use them separately from your champion night abilities? i would honestly remove that part because it seems too strong
the class is already super strong as-is because of all the options it has
also, would add an alignment check as an option for Transfusion because the setup is multiball - an alignment check on scum is still useful to find members of the other team

to balance things out, to infusion i would add a fourth option: “gain two additional souls if the champion’s kill is successful”

sorry if this seems chaotic
also i see there’s no bd version of converted plaguebearer and no hob version of converted wench
i assume you ran out of ideas?

Plaguebearer converts to Alchemist
Wench converts to Patron

Also feedback appreciated, thank you

Also inheriting transfusion/infusion refers to Champion’s passive where he inherits an ability from his convert class

prestige classes are still a thing in this setup right?

Yeah prestige is still a thing

There can now be 3 of them though

yeah i’m just not sure how they would work together with champion’s existing abilities because you can’t normally use them together