SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

Anyway time to edit Mortician and Exorcist class cards

theres acutally going to be a prince apprentice


I could run through absurd and unnecessary questions

that makes sense

does Tort regain prince’s axe charges, or do they have a fresh 3?

if torturer gets converted do they become prince/warden as the card says and there be two jailors?

if Duke gets converted does Tort step up and become Duke? This would also auto out that Duke was converted if its yes

that would be very strong against a Champion, and to a lesser extent Heroine

of course


oh the OP says what that means, its literally just a specialized frame which is nice

what about exhume?

CtA + HoB supreme strike I could see resulting in a lot of deaths in 1 night, or more problematic deaths each night aren’t a by a reliable amount, though that’s not actually a problem, is it

so they choose someone and the Squire becomes their converted class

what if the Squire chooses the unseen squire? does the squire just become the squire again?

ive never actually looked into a multi-ball before, seems scum-sided

this also raises the question on if it works on HoB classes

It indeed works on them
Assuming they have a BD version of course

Torturer will retain Duke axe charges
Reminds me, I should fix that

Yes there can be 2 jailors if Torturer gets converted

Torturer only becomes Duke if the player who was ORIGINALLY Duke dies.

Just fails

Yes, very useful I know

But you see
There are 19 starting Unseen and the scum factions can cross kill

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is there a d1 lynch?

is this a shared use

because Arbiter keeps occ immunity on class change, so realistically arbiter would want to use it d4 so their Champion is occ immune

also visionary isn’t death immune/occ immune

I feel like BD could end up in a bad position by chance because of that

then again there can be 3 visionaries and 4 members, but HoB has the same restrictions with DI/OI

what night immunity does it bypass

does it occupy/prevent

the lack of DI means less without NK though, its more balance between HoB and BD, though this actually doesn’t apply as I realize when Im writing this because Heroine has a lot of ways to bypass DI ignore this

though the Arbiter occuping the visionary/heroine a lot would be an alpha move


No, because it basically just forces a promotion.

Well Heroine is occ immune, and there’s basically always going to be 3 visionaries where HoB has to have specific members alive for more Arbiters

Death immunity

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I see potential

Have we nerfed Warden yet?

2 group scum factions and an uniformed majority. This will be fun.


If this is possible /pre-in

you see I will probs forget about this

Well I won’t forget. :slight_smile:

So what’s the timeline for signups?

SFoL 61 and 62 have to happen first
it’s probably at least two months before this game opens for signups

regarding the healers

these classes are oddly similar, with only exhume/sc v remarkable quarantine

I’ve never actually seen the Plague Doc before

so this version of the chrono cant move other people’s deaths

that’s all

Probably as a result of them being versions of BD Physician and HoB Surgeon in the same mode

yes apparently

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The existence of two healer classes is good, because there will be plenty of bleeding to go around (2 wolf factions + potential Unseen bleeders).

And yes, this version of chrono can’t move other people’s deaths. Which is also good, because there is already plenty of KP to go around.