SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

Although both factions cap at 4 now I guess

Also for a bit of clarity

If the third BD member rands as a killer, they are considered younger than the starting Heroine for the purposes of Visionary promotion


perfectly strong but not bullshit strong class
gold standard

I think something like a 1 or 2 shot ability that makes it so that social links won’t get affected by invest altering ability would be cool (probably just 1-shot)
That’s because of the pseudoclass thing making social links basically useless in most instances
it’s a maybe class that’s kind of just meh most of the time

uniques are fine as is

very strong in this mode
no changes necessary

very weak in regards to stopping scum here since one of the main killers is immune to it
possible that order of exchange can bypass immunities to make it somewhat ok

pretty okay
no changes necessary prob

pretty fair

Detainment is very swingy
It probably just works since sentinel worked in the other thing



bit weak since they are easily countered






change sheets should see which factions visited that target the night they died

I’ve always felt Marchioness was a bit weak tbh

Maybe I give it another shot of Night Waltz?


also I think some might be missing

How exactly are the roles randed?

Like virtuous
From a big list
If/when max prestige have rolled, prestige classes are all removed for the remaining rolls
No prestige are guaranteed though

Also in this game, if scum roll a prestige convert then the original prestige class can’t roll for Unseen

It’s just if you rand scum roles first, there’d be more chance for starting prestige classes to be scum, and vice versa?

Usually the standard is to roll the scum converts in the middle

I’d rather rand roles without alignment and then assign them to factions then, converting them if needed.

perhaps there’s a better way idk
that’s the way it was done in virtuous 1 tho

I’m just thinking of a way where prestige classes wouldn’t gravitate to any faction dependent on order of rolling.

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I think that would cause some issues with certain prestiges

Like a Poacher and a Baronet rolls

But then the Baronet is changed to Duelist

Suddenly the Poacher is illegal

Virtuous II rolled no prestige classes at all also

Although I suppose you could solve that by rerolling the faction but still

You know what, I don’t know why I care.

Rand the amount of starting prestige classes.
Rand to which factions they belong.
Rand exact classes among possible.

The way to make being prestige itself not AI.

this helps scum since town has more slots to roll with