SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

Not to my knowledge

also we obviously need to add neutral killer so that arete can rand it again

but that means I have to go get the nk class cards again :eyes:

add cult as wolf faction number 3

You might see me as either group scum or neutral killer. We shall see.

No I obviously add the Congregation as wolf faction number 3

there’s no neutral killer in this setup because there’s 2 groupscum factions

Then either group scum faction then.

the succubus example makes no sense in this specific setup
remove that

i’ve just realized i’m not sure how this is supposed to work
conversion only has a 1-night cooldown
so if you use it on the night when it has a cooldown, it comes off cooldown the next night anyway, so what’s the difference?
unless it works instantly
but if it works instantly then can this be occupied?

i’ve just realized i have no idea how this is handled without outing the wolves immediately
if you’re a villager in the log network and suddenly a bunch of people gain access, there you go, the whole wolfteam’s outed
does the host just copypaste everything whenever something is changed?? that sounds like a lot of work and you are bound to miss something
i think i’m the one who implemented this ability but i have no idea how this is handled and maybe it should be changed if it can’t be handled normally (there’s also the fact that the librarian can just tell the wolves about what’s in there regularly unless they don’t have access to wolfchat for some reason)

does this work on all attacks or just one of them at random? the wording is lowkey confusing because it says “attacker” singular instead of plural

do the logs in the archivist’s log network count? i think not
do the messages in royal chat count? i think not since it’s a neighborhood
would like some clarification there
i know i created this thing but like
i’m getting better at this over time and i notice previous oversights

also i think bd call to arms abilities deserve buffs all around
they are supposed to be the superior wolf faction every night they use all to arms and rn i’m not sure if they are.


Other Means (Call to Arms | Night) - Become the non-unique Blue Dragon equivalent class of any living or deceased player, if they have one. If you select a player whose class is not eligible, nothing will happen, but you will still visit them. - Infinite uses

cloning some prestige classes, even living ones, is bound to create confusion but that’s a good thing
choosing the class you want to remember requires deliberation anyway and i feel like this effect should be more impactful for a call to arms ability


Hideout (Call to Arms | Night) - Hide near a player’s room. At the end of the night, you will learn how many players visited them, what classes they had, and which abilities they used as their visit. - Infinite uses

minor buff that is nonetheless quite helpful when it comes to determining stuff like “did the other wolfteam kill or was that bd?”


Revive (Call to Arms | Night) - You may only use this ability if there are three or fewer Blue Dragon members alive and the Visionary is not converting a player tonight. Resurrect a dead Unseen member with a non-unique, non-Prestige class while converting them simultaneously. Each night they remain alive, a soul will be consumed, except for the first night. When you run out of souls or die, the resurrected player dies. - 1 use

this is much like a conversion except it can be used to “prove yourself”
very minor buffs all around because it’s fairly strong, especially if visionary doesn’t exist anymore / can’t convert
removed the unnecessary caveat about not being able to resurrect twice because there’s no potential for that. you still need to have souls and you would need to be given more uses + there’s still a faction member limit and the ability is limited to call to arms anyway


Execute (Call to Arms | Night) - Execute your imprisoned player, bypassing night immunity. - Infinite uses

keep in mind this can only be used on call to arms nights, so making this infinite-uses isn’t actually a super huge buff despite what this looks like


Date (Call to Arms | Night) - Learn a player’s class. - Infinite uses

already limited to call-to-arms nights
no need to make it limited in general, it’s not even a massively strong effect
you obviously use this to find the PRs
also in its current form it’s strictly worse than observer


Concentrated Nightshade (Call to Arms | Night) - Poison a player with a concentrated dose of nightshade, causing them to die tonight. - 2 uses

it’s call to arms limited and blue dragon is supposed to be the faction with superior kp
so why not


Stare Down (Call to Arms | Night) - Learn a player’s class and who they visited tonight. - Infinite uses

minor buff that allows you to combine follow with a class peek on call to arms nights
i don’t see anything wrong with this


Forceful Order (Call to Arms | Night) - Target player’s vote will secretly count as 0 tomorrow. They will also secretly require two fewer votes to be lynched, unless there are twelve or fewer players alive, in which case they will secretly require one fewer vote to be lynched. - Infinite uses

first off no reason not to make this infinite
second, with the previous wording it immediately outed the presence of a noble because aristocrat can’t do this and neither can magistrate
if it says “secretly” then it’s fine and relevant in kingmaker situations
also combined this with pull rank’s effect because just negating a vote doesn’t seem worthy of a call to arms ability


Accurate Fates (Call to Arms | Night) - Clone all actions taken by other Blue Dragon members tonight onto an additional player of your choice, except conversion. You may choose a different player for each member’s action, and you will not visit any of your targets. - Infinite uses

yeah this is one of the more powerful ones, but mystic by itself is a less powerful converted class in general (because it relies on having other members), so that balances things out


Housekeeping (Call to Arms | Night) - Choose a player. You will receive their full feedback tonight, including who they visited or tried to visit. You will also receive feedback they would not normally receive; for instance, if they were bled last night but immune, you will learn about this, even though they will not. - Infinite uses

more information good for invests on call to arms nights
and this is useful because it allows you to make superior fakeclaims for your team
you can claim an action on someone if you want, etc. etc.


Stalwart Defense (Call to Arms | Night) - Guard all other members of the Blue Dragon. All players who are not members of the Blue Dragon and attempt to visit them tonight will be prevented. Counts as a visit to yourself. - 2 uses

first off, one-of call to arms abilities are bad design because they encourage you to throw yourself under the bus after using them, which might not be perceived as all that terrible but i dislike the idea
second, this includes a minor caveat which could be used as a “i was redirected to myself” thing


Bear Trap (Call to Arms | Night) - Set up a protective bear in your home to hurt all intruders. All players who attempt harmful actions on you tonight will be occupied and die, bypassing night immunity. - 3 uses

again, call to arms ability is supposed to be stronk
i changed the way this works because i don’t want this to be “protect me!!! protect me!!!” and then you kill a bunch of unseen, i feel like that’s bad design
but it’s still a good ability for when you make yourself a target during the day and you can potentially bait a couple of people with skillful use
also you can have other members redirect players onto you if possible for benefits
because it’s now only against harmful actions, i would say having an additional use is acceptable
it’s unlikely you will be able to use all of them anyway


Hangover (Call to Arms | Night) - Redirect a player to themselves for this and the following night, bypassing redirection immunity. Their redirected abilities will bypass immunities. - 3 uses

this does a mildly important thing
allows servants to occupy themselves, etc. etc. which is fairly amusing
idk if that creates an infinite feedback loop, if so i will rework this
also allows killers to kill themselves and more
i think this is a proper minor buff
also having this be 3-use

Court Sorceress:

Frozen Door (Call to Arms | Night) - Freeze a player’s room, occupying them in the process. Only Blue Dragon members will be able to visit them tonight; all other attempted visits will be prevented. - 3 uses

minor buff but i think it’s good
again, call to arms abilities are required to be powerful because call to arms is strongly limited and there is no way to accelerate the cooldown
might as well add effects to it
hob abilities are generally better so bd need brief powerspikes


Paradox (Call to Arms | Night) - Choose a player. All other abilities used on that player tonight, except for Blue Dragon abilities, will automatically fail. Abilities nullified this way will be considered delayed and can be redirected with Distort Reality on the following night. - 2 uses

pretty much a different version of court sorceress’s thing
allows for some cool shenanigans while also allowing bd to actually kill that player while taking advantage of everyone who visits them
great for getting rid of PRs which gives further incentive to protect the PRs


Intoxicated Wine (Call to Arms | Night) - Occupy a player for two nights in a row, bypassing occupation immunity. - Infinite uses

it’s only right for butler to bypass immunity when drunk does the same thing with his call to arms ability
that’s basically it
i think occupation is stronger than redirection in certain scenarios so i didn’t want to buff it too much


Absolute Precision (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill all marked players, bypassing all forms of protection and immunity. If there are fewer than three living marked players, you may mark an additional player before attacking. It will not count as an additional visit of any kind. - 1 use

2nd most powerful (candidate for 1st) existing bd call to arms ability, as such i didn’t even consider giving it an additional use, just like priest
just added a caveat that if you have no marks, you can still use this and kill someone
might be useful if you’ve been unlucky with placing marks throughout the game


Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player bypassing any and all forms of immunity and protection. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didn’t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 3 uses (shared)

this is a minor buff because the heroine’s call to arms ability is the closest thing in power level to what call to arms abilities should be
so yeah



Insight of the Worthy (Call to Arms | Night) - Learn the Blue Dragon version of a player’s class. - Infinite uses

nothing wrong with giving visionary a call to arms ability
might influence their decision “when to use call to arms” a little more
also gives you an investigative on the team no matter what people you convert, which is always nice and something different from the arbiter’s joat-like infinite ability. more precise but less universal for fakeclaims

i know “vulgard wtf how many changes do you want to make”
i just want to change the setup a little
i realized bd seemed weak and the wolf factions should be relatively balanced between each other, especially in this multiball setup
so buffs were required

it’s no coincidence bd were stomped in the canned virtuous but hob won the game
and no it wasn’t just lolarbiter i think

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The conversion cooldown here is supposed to be 2 nights because multiball

except it doesn’t say so in classcard rn

Just me forgetting to change the class cards and only the OP

that makes more sense then

except it still works the same way in SFoL 58 for some reason

which is why i brought this up
it confuses me rn because like

I feel like it’s intended to work like Marchioness’s Night Waltz in SFoL 51 where the next conversion will have no cooldown

But uh, it wasn’t worded properly

but isn’t the faction member cap 3?
there’s no point in making the next conversion have no cooldown when you can only convert once anyway except for fringe cases

You’d have to ask Alice on that one

wait a second
if faction cap is 3

arbiter + socialite + champion

the ability is literally useless because you can’t convert anyway

if it’s 4

arbiter + socialite + champion
4th gets converted
no conversion cooldown

but it’s still useless because you can’t convert a 5th

it makes absolutely no sense in basic virtuous and only makes sense in fringe cases here (like electing a wolf as king, or preparing to bus one)