SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

It’s likely that i never fixed it from HoB if it is still baffling.

it’s funny because it actually works here because two night cooldown

But yes it will need reworking for virtuous III whenever this happens

also half of me wants to add wench to this, but the other half of me says there’s enough classes

there can never be enough
add wench AND plaguebearer
as well as two more HoB classes that i had left out to compensate

i’ll help re-write them

The problem with plaguebearer is that finding a class to add it to will be weird

As for wench, I was thinking maybe auditor

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flavour doesn’t matter too much
just add one that matches in type

there are no special HoB besides arbiter

then change it to non-special idk

Thank you Geyde for helping to make the text walls more readable

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Anyway I’ll prepare Wench and Auditor class cards

this is how things with multiple effects should be written to reduce clutter

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another solution is to create a new special HoB and unseen class to pair with this
How about exorcist / augurer

don’t forget tavern keeper and taxman as well
all four must be re-done

We could also do that, yes

patron converts to auditor not taxman

im stupid

The Wench

Unseen Offensive
Steadfast (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. Keep this passive on class change.
Dose (Day) - If your target attempts to use a day action today, it will secretly fail. This will not work on the Visionary or the Arbiter. One use
Mix Rooms (Night) - Choose two players. Redirect all actions targetting one to the other, and vice versa. Cannot select the same player twice in a row. Infinite uses
Serve Ale (Night) - Redirect a player to themself. Two uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium

Converts to The Tavernkeeper or The Patron