SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Yes, I’m clearly a Neutral Evil.

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Tbh 5 votes isn’t that many, but I do get how it could be scary

You could have cleared yourself socially or claimed when there was <12h left in the day
Instead of outting as Prince

Meh whatever
I hate this game

This is a horrible post

Just post
Give reads
Provide content

I’m out for a bit.

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I’m not ignoring this though I’m pretty sure scum was easily on my wagon

Yeah but I’d likely get voted up early I’ve seen it happen before… Of course I likely just freaked out because I just woke up

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Jane at this point it is unsurprising that we know that Thomas is scum.
They have shown no town motivation and now have basically taken away any chance we had of listening to them


hm i see. sorry for being a bit snappy this game is fucking with my head rn.

Uh, King, are you okay?

He got replaced.

And I am inclined to believe that the second Thomas were indeed a town.

Shitposting aside…

My V reads here are Nic and Isabel. If there’s a wolf on your wagon it’s probably either Jane or Helen.

Whoops indeed.

Anyway I’m going to try to be on all night because now that I’m outed I might as well lead here


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison, Jane_Drayton 3/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andry_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Sarah_Lacey, Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage, Nicolas_Adams, Alice_Alard, Helen_Harte 12

please don’t edit posts in substantive ways (i.e. not minor grammar/spelling fixes)


Can you not I get you’re trying to be funny here but it looks like weird signalling

King has missed this since King woke up recently.
Thought seeing “The Second” was a bit weird.
But from the original slot there was no town motivation and idk how anyone could try to rescue it

i know it’s been asked but i would absolutely love to see some of your reads currently. yes, king is never the top priority D2 but the King is supposed to be a town leader role, and i’ve seen neither town nor leader from you so far. irl shit exists yes but please be more proactive.
you said you would start doing so and i’d like to see it sooner rather than later.

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I mean it’s king lol I was pushing them and asking them to be more of a town lead but apparently I refuse to interact with anyone

I don’t try to be funny, I am funny.

The spammer was pretty much a gamethrower who was trying to lynch a player on a fake red as BD. I normally don’t do this but this slot is kind of in an unique situation because of he-who-should-not-be-named.

Honestly what does hedge mean does it mean I need to be cut down?

well clearly i’m far funnier there can only be one
the slot was definitely in a precarious position pre-swap, but if you iso the Second they already look worlds better than their predecessor.