SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Unfortunately your predecessor was not in the same situation

Again, literally most of your posts have just been half-assed defenses and when I pressure you to wolfhunt you freeze. Make another post about defending yourself instead of pushing a wolf and Iā€™ll strong-arm you into a lynch.

Why do you think Iā€™m not groupscum pushing on you as a ML?

@Emma_Maison so what do you think of the Jane wall?

Also I like Thomasā€™ fire here

He is no longer a liability

Yeah, Iā€™m fine with killing Gilbert. Heā€™s literally done nothing but white knight my slot and then repeatedly get defensive over this shit.

Yeah he basically just asked me the same question 5 times to which I responded to with the same answer reworded 5 times

Give me your thoughts on Jane when you have the time I would like to make sure I havenā€™t conf!biasā€™d myself

Are you braindead? Iā€™m not asking the real Prince to out and if Ivo is lying he should be jailed and executed at night.

Why is picking on inactives bad? I have no evidence that they are town as they are giving me no reason to so of course Iā€™m going to push them.

Or a wolf that read the thread and knows itā€™ll be impossible to confirm this bounty.

i should probably be ISOing people so i donā€™t get forced replaced
let me go do that

Like, their push on Ivo felt ridiculously opportunistic, theyā€™re just staying in the background and going with the flow, and in general I donā€™t remember any original thought from them.

Looks more like a newbwolf trying to go UTR.

Iā€™ll respond to it the next chance I get.


Oh, nothing. Just bolding something a few people might findā€¦ interesting, in a way.

Alice is obvious, Nicho seems to be a legit obs from how he handled the check and the progression on Andy, and Edmondā€™s frustration on my slotā€™s idiocy was fairly consisted throughout all of d1 that I donā€™t think itā€™s fake.

let me guess
something something not about escaping the PoE

ā€¦Iā€™ve already posted them. Gilbert did nothing but white knight my slot and flail when he was pressured while Ivoā€™s entire ISOs felt like a wolf not interacting with the game while keeping the PoE as open as possible.

Immediate PoE for meā€™s Jane/Gilbert/Sarah tbh and Iā€™ll case and push whoever I find wolfiest by the EoD.

Yes, the troll may have been correct OMGUSā€™ing Sarah.

Meh not convinced on Sarah for now but Iā€™d happily behead the other two