SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I don’t suppose if we can’t pardon them by eod, we don’t get an execution?

I’ll be going back to Gilbert wagon after this.
I am fine with Gilbert/Andy

Yeah its majority only
So this will be a complete waste of a day

Also tbh this is dumb

ik it’s from tol where it makes sense but still dumb

Unironically giving townie points to everyone who is here right now.

Already stated I made a defense. Forgot to ping you.

‘I will not claim, this GT is a mistake and we all know it. Pardon with speed’

this wasn’t my original defense but y’know.



Majority is only 8. Come on.

*9 as it is current number rounded up to even number /2 +1

however I’m on GT.

Only 15 players can vote.

15 divided by 2 is 7.5, 7.5 rounded up is 8.

Mary_Savill has made her defense, you may now vote to execute or pardon

Uh…/pardon again

(are you still going to count the previous 2 votes and the votes from literally everyone before my previous defense?)

Vote target Voted by Votes
pardon Alice_Alard, Jane_Drayton 2/8
execute 0/8
Topic topic = new Topic("forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-64-anonymous-fol-day-2-16-18");
while(true) {
    for(int i = 2024; i < topic.getPostCount(); i++) {
        Post post = topic.getPost(i);
        if(post.getAuthor().toString() == "Mary_Savill") {
            String text = "**/pardon**";

oh they did yay


Vote target Voted by Votes
pardon Alice_Alard, Jane_Drayton, Nicolas_Adams 3/8
execute 0/8
