SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Vote target Voted by Votes
pardon Alice_Alard, Jane_Drayton, Nicolas_Adams, Ivo_Wake 4/8
execute 0/8

Other people better hurry and get here.

Itā€™s shocking to see literally no one near end of day

@Ivo_Wake You got your jail target, right?

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Yeah dw about that

Assuming that people actually show up for eod and pardon,

Who do we want to exe?

Iā€™m fine with Jane and Gilbert. Iā€™m okay with Andy I guess, although I find his CW claim convincing.

Wtf is king doing honestly

My legacy in the instance I die (yes I copy+pasted my d1 legacy as well, as I still believe in it):

  1. Donā€™t focus on mechanics. Mechanics are a side dish - social reads are the main entrĆ©e.
  2. Form a towncore. Work with other people. Find town, and bounce ideas off of them. Donā€™t lose because of deepwolf paranoia. Save that for later when there could be actual reason to suspect it.
  3. Donā€™t try to be a hero. Be smart with your abilities and votes.
  4. Donā€™t blindly sheep reads. Constantly re-evaluate. Nothing is set in stone, especially in a game with conversion.
  5. Use your brains. (Hard, I know)

My towncore:
Ivo, Thomas, Emma, Nicolas

work with these people

Probably town:
Edmond, Jane, Isabel

Helen, Sarah, Geoffrey (I keep going back and forth on this slot)

Peter, Mary (moving up towards EoD though)

Gilbert, Andy, Alan

Read through my ISO for reasonings.

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Asking because there will never be time for normal wagon-switching/cfd/whatnot, and I donā€™t want to cram this decision into the last 5 seconds of day


I am bountying between Andy/Gilbert tonight, can someone please watch over me just so my action didnā€™t get messed up?

If they flip town, then you could execute me next, no problem with that.

Vote target Voted by Votes
pardon Alice_Alard, Jane_Drayton, Nicolas_Adams, Ivo_Wake, Gilbert_Lovell 5/8
execute 0/8

Pardon for free town cred


You mean if they flip town with no trial after?

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No, if they flip town with trials after.

I believe Iā€™m voting Andy if I manage to get off this in the next 24 mins.

Nobody told my FM would be this bad for my blood pressure

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Basics if I donā€™t reply first in Jail tonight:

Claim, Night actions, night action you were going to do, possible hidden reads or stuff that you havenā€™t shared yet, game plan

Give it 4 hours if I havenā€™t said anything then please feel free to respond.

well you arenā€™t the one on the Grand Trial are you :^)

I donā€™t know why I used that face. People keep using it so much so itā€™s became a habit of mine.