SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Nick chill we have time

no we don’t.


pardon pardon pardon one more

we have 3 minutes.

If I am not pardoned before those 2 minutes now are up, we cannot vote a player and the day ends in a no-lynch.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING jjsgsggahaj splease pardon

You spelled the name you gave out wrong ):<



??? GT extends day right?

Am I the only one that thinks this?

you already pardoned me.

/vote Andy

Vote target Voted by Votes
pardon Alice_Alard, Jane_Drayton, Nicolas_Adams, Ivo_Wake, Gilbert_Lovell, Geoffrey_Bailey, Sarah_Lacey 7/8
execute 0/8

it does if GT doesnt end

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you may continue to vote execute or pardon on Grand Trial for the next slightly-less-than-24-hours

the day will end when one option reaches majority or when 24 hours have passed from Mary’s defense

effing hell


lets solve ig