SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

we should we have only 1 starting cult left conversion hunting isn’t that different from other kind of solving and you pushing against it like this is bad look ngl

Is it bad that I’m so torn on the Jane/Mary vote (because I see both as potential wolves) that I almost want them to towncase themselves?

TLDR: Math says Prince could be elected by evils if we don’t all vote someone with Royal Bood
Jane is Noble claim
Mary is a Princess claim

Don’t care.

i forgot jane’s Noble claim of course i did lmao
i don’t think that’s unreasonable at all though it can’t hurt to have them both towncase themselves here?

well if cult indeed killed susan instead of active towncore I think it would be probably for them to not be too obvious near endgame as to why they’re the few members alive or to leave town kills for NK

which suggests that there is probably 1? wolf in starting towncore

Can everyone vote Jane here ty

/vote jane
done and done
we can easily confirm the bounty which leaves jane as proven GK if so. no offense to mary but i’d rather vote a royal with a more easily confirmable claim as princess can be faked relatively easily.

You voted in the pm right?

of course i just wanted to state that i was doing so here as well.

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I want BD to think this through at least after I flip blue

Yeah please everyone state all votes here I really don’t want prince king. You become auto scum if you don’t state that you voted end of story.

@Mary_Savill if you could please vote Jane for a more safe kang

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I’ll mass ping at somepoint if it doesn’t get through peoples skulls

also 1 kill is missing I think

esp you @Ivo_Wake

You’re misunderstanding or misconstruing what I’m trying to say.

Sure, it might be beneficial for wolves to convert in towncore. You might be right. However, theorizing on this and focusing on this a ton when it’s ultimately wifom is unnecessary and will just cause paranoia/bias and im kinda done talking about it

What I’m trying to say is I’m not going to focus on convert hunting specifically. I’m going to hunt for wolves in general.
You do what you wanna do, idc. I’m going to do my thing.

you can discredit every read with this becuase every townread can be just wolf doing wifom and every wolf read cant be wolf because WIFOM wolf wouldnt want to act wolf

that doesnt mean you cant make good arguments for each case whether it’s convert hunting or just wolf/town reads

I want you to vote Jane for king

Next person to talk without voting gets death tunneled

I already did

deathtunnel me :^)
have to go to class now, be back in a couple hours!