SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Vote jane now Idc this isn’t a joke

I don’t find it funny I’m not dealing with a bunch of slankers not voting

Yes cool do your own thing.
In my personal opinion focusing on who Cult might convert is dumb and I’m not going to use that as a basis for any push.
That’s literally it.
We once again have a difference in playstyle.

I’ve voted Jane. I still have uncertainty in my mind about the slot but I also do for Mary so shrug

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Yeah definitely better kings out there we just need a royal

I’m not risking it for a “good” enough king

i did lmao no worries
back to class for me :’(

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guess we’re all voting Jane?

I seem to remember that we have 2 noble claims, who was the other?

Nicolas I think I rather have Jane tbh

Nicolas is dead obs.


Brain moment :).

Idk who then lul

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King Vote Count

Vote target Voted by Votes
Jane_Drayton Ivo_Wake, Mary_Savill, Edmond_Bailey, Gilbert_Lovell, Alice_Alard 10 (RB)
Not Voting Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Andy_Bernard, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second, Isabel_Savage 8

Please ping me for the votes so I can calculate them.

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one more here /vote Jane



Anyway, now that I know I won’t be being voted for King, I believe I should come clean.


claim Cult Leader you wont

I’m Alchemist. I faked the Princess claim and faked the vote on myself and kept trying to get you guys to not vote me while also seeming like a real Princess. The flirt is however real. I was going to claim Alchemist but then someone assumed me as Princess and I stuck with it.

The reason I didn’t claim a N1 action was because I forgot how Alchemist worked and forgot to input a D1 Potion. Thus meaning I have every other potion ready to brew that isn’t Truth and the reason I claimed Princess after you guys talked about how a RB needs to get King was to try and make scum not want to vote the Prince due to seeing a RB claim being outed (In case I were to gather votes, of course)

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This is also why I responded :christmas_tree: to being asked my N1 action.

I didn’t want to out, but Andy is scum so it’s worth it.

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Meh I trust forum users not to read their class cards

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I’m fine with this honestly if you were scum it would be easier just to say you flirted me or hit Geoffrey n1 as we were decent invest targets

I think I pre-Jail Andy here.

We should vote Gilbert still because of the bounty.