SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

They said nothing in jail, indeed.

I gave my opinion on the slot before we decided whether or not executing was a good idea. Well before action-lock.
I’d also take half the blame if they flipped V, so that Prince wouldn’t get as much flak for fucking up lmao

If someone wants it I can paraphrase it, sure.
Mobile sucks though so I don’t really wanna rn.

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Someone me? :wink:

But u see I’m also on mobile

Like I said honestly we don’t win if we play passively and I would have killed helen unless they gave a great response them not responding made my life easier

Allying you + Alice or Emma here.

I didn’t expect this when I entered Gilbert’s ISO, but his posts about Helen actually look really good in hindsight. Could be aggressive distancing in theory, but I don’t really see signs of buddying or reluctance.

Conclusion: Based on how aggressively Gilbert has been treating Helen, and how much he has seemignly disliked her, he was either aggressively bussing Helen or aggressively distancing if they are partners. In a vacuum, Gilbert’s interactions with Helen look very good for him, actually. If it were anyone but Gilbert, who I already suspected before, I would call him very likely town for this after Isabel. The prior suspicions I’ve had on him lower the strength of my conclusion, though.

In the end, the bottom line is that Gilbert’s interactions with Helen look very good for Gilbert by themselves. I am suddenly getting cold feet about killing him today, even though there is a bounty and we do not lose a day if he is BD.

Andy barely says anything about Helen, ever. This post alone does not do it for me.

Conclusion: Andy and Helen can easily be partners, especially considering Helen’s end of the interactions. I am disregarding mechanics for this.

Overall conclusions:

Look very good based on interactions with Helen:


Unlikely to be with Helen:


Has some posts which are unlikely to come from Helen’s partner:


I personally don’t think they are Helen’s partner:


Could be Helen’s partners:

Jane (Caveat: I considered Helen’s end of the interactions good for Jane, but Jane’s end of the interactions looks bad for Jane, which is a little strange.)

I put the especially notable ones in italics, but they are all important in my eyes.
Pretty much all of the same suspects from day 2 can be Helen’s partners based on interactions, which makes me believe we are on the right track.

Here is what I said regarding Helen in allies, paraphrased:

The first impression I get is from the number of posts they have, and it isn’t a good first impression.
They have 41 posts total and I can’t remember a single one minus the (obviously fake) bleed claim.

They seem self aware. They post many one-liners stating intent to do things, but never follow through.

(Insert examples of this here)

Okay this ISO is shit
They haven’t done a single thing
When they do post, they don’t make an effort to interact with anyone, ask questions, or do anything worthwhile

I’ll focus on the 3 posts they have that have some content in them:

This is almost entirely IIoA with a shitty conclusion
Saying “good” is not analysis. They never explain why they viewed the quoted posts as good.
I can’t really gauge their alignment off of them doing nothing

This is a very very opportunistic vote. They have no progression on Ivo.
Side note: read through this post, then read through the ISO they made regarding Jane. The tone and focus are both different. You can tell they went into this with a conclusion in mind and the goal to get on the Ivo wagon. They cherrypicked quotes to support their vote, and this is all bullshit

A ton of their ISO consists of unnecessary one-liners.

Final post with content:

There’s nothing here. It’s a big post of nothing.

Something I noticed is that Helen tends to say “I’d like to see [x] from [person]” but they never ping or interact with said person and ask for [x] directly. In my opinion, this comes from a wolf who is unconfident and scared of interacting in real-time, and is only posting to seem like they are providing content.

Then the bleed claim ends the ISO
And that bleed never comes from scum.

Overall, I don’t like anything from Helen.
I tried my best to be objective, and I didn’t go in with a conclusion in mind, but they gave me barely anything to work with, and the posts that they do have for me to analyze - are scummy.

Unless they claim Priest or have a very convincing argument for why they haven’t done anything, you can safely execute them, in my opinion.


As requested, Princey

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Quoting this for later.

Helen really was the weak mafioso of this game. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was getting bussed at some point, which is why it’s possible Gilbert was just bussing. Disregarding aggressive bussing, though… he looks very good from that alone.

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I’m finding it a bit weird that heelen claimed bleeding its either fake or we have a weird hunter somewhere

I doubt hunter would make that bleed though but it’s possible IG

I just spewed myself as not a few things, so that’s fun

This is why I don’t post when half asleep

I like to try and encourage people like this to interact and help them along because if they ever do this and are town then that’s a town slot dying. Willagers are a problem on this site and I stopped trying to give Helen advise because after a certain amount of time they just didn’t improve. I did it for Thomas and Peter as well. If my advice keeps a single towny from the PoE or the noose then I consider this mission a success. A big part of the reason town losses here is because the PoEs almost always contain few wolves and 2-3 times more willagers.

Spewing claims everywhere.


It’s likely fake because cult doesn’t bleed cult and a hunter would have outed by now. The only other option would be a NK with bleeds

I could see this being genuine from you, I suppose.
Do you think the current PoE contains 2-3 times more town than mafia?

What’s the current PoE again?

And Gilbert, too, for other reasons (BOUNTY BOUNTY BOUNTY), even though these interactions look good for him.

I’m fine with no Geoffrey exe because of mech mechs.

Gilbert is always executed today.

Poe should be based on if bounty goes through or tomorrows

Andy gets nught killed

Right. Andy still looks like specifically NK. I only put him in the partner PoE because I tried to look at it objectively, without preconceived notions.

I remember town reading Sarah, but I suppose I should take a second look at Sarah in light of Helen’s flip. I don’t have any other objections though

For what? Do enlighten me.