SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Im bled.

well this is just wonderful!

Nah weā€™re fine.

They fucked up lol

regardless, the game should be over by then, correct?

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Can we have your logs?

because he needed the Inqā€™s result first. I said the same thing.

Well considering we have a alchemist claim you should be fineā€¦

I mean meh

i donā€™t really know how to feel right now. i am so used to being shit at FM and i actually did something beneficial instead of unbelievably stupid for once, and my main scumread was correct.

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This but instead of feeling good, feeling terrible that Iā€™ve played shit :]

We have Prince Mercy
We have Priest Last Rites for Time Warp
We have a possibly real Alch

Weā€™re fine tbh.
Even if I do die, at least I get to leave this shit game

I killed Alan (sorry) so at least Iā€™m confirmed to be starting Butler.

PoE for CL: Alice, Thomas, Mary, Geoff

N1: Wine Isabel cuz they sus, one of their very first thing was to say they were clear because they were occupied, think they are possessor but if I die to them this is not going to show lmao
D2: Die King
N2: Die King
D3: Lmao
N3: Concentrated Wine jic

Pepega pepepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega pepega.

I think I can also be cleared as starting butler for this
I knew Isabel was occupied.

ā€¦I hope this is your last one

thereā€™s a problem with the Priestā€™s TW. i used it last night, but was occupied according to mary. did this count as my single use of the Chronomancerā€™s body or may i do it again?

Iā€™m thinking I might Jail tomas here.

oh donā€™t you dare start the same shit your predecessor did. once is funny but any more ā€¦
yes iā€™m snappy as hell today but after the shit that went down can you blame me?

Please donā€™t lol.

Iā€™m actually going to ping everyone for this.
Everyone needs to see it. Sorry if you already have.
Letā€™s establish a voting order.

@Emma_Maison (hi)

Or maybe you did a little thing called attacking him?

Youā€™re missing Emma.

King was Good, this is fake.

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oh? a scumslip in my good christian SFoL?