SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Well I have a task for you if you’re up to it.

There’s at least 1 more townie (unless we have a 2nd neut).

We need to find them.
We also need to find Emma’s buddies.

I’m re-reading the entire game (slowly, mind you), so I will be… a while.
But I plan on figuring out the solve today.

Re-read d3 and give me your thoughts, no matter how gut-lead or unrefined they are.

We can get a lot more done if we bounce ideas off of eachother.

@Ivo_Wake i’d like you to help with this if you’re able to as well.
i can do this, i’ll just have more time after dinner when i have no work left to do.
of course i’m up for it, why wouldn’t i be? this day looked hopeless to me going into it but with my redcheck (and a friendly Inq) we’re one confirmed cult down that likely would have taken thread control today.
it’s an uphill battle, sure, but i think we can do it.

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This goes both ways, by the way.

If you’re town, you have the task of being townie and helping us find you, @everyone

Dumb that I have to say that but,
It is what it is is

expect to see a lot more of me within the next 2-3 hours, and in the meantime i’m rereading the thread as well.

The game isn’t my top priority atm unfortunately, because of irl.

But we have lots of time.

I’d also like everyone else to confirm they voted Edmond for king. Cant be assed to go see who has already. Lots of masspings today. It’s an important day, so y’all can eat me.

@Emma_Maison :joy_cat:

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It’s very clearly not a redcheck anymore. That’s why I said were.

yes, I have.

i confirm that i have though for some reason i can’t quite remember i don’t think emma did?

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Yeah I voted edmond

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Maybe in the next life huh.

I definitely pity your convert n1 but on these forums that’s almost a free win rate boost

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Imagine another nk win

Nks obviously Possessor here

mind telling me how so? no one i’ve channeled at least has mentioned anything about their flip or logs being incorrect.

The early execution no Cult can do that

Look back at the votes hammar was 6/7

Princey are you okay

Bruh what how was that purity we had 12 hours left from election

Am I just mental bro

election doesnt extend day

I swear it used to

youre old af