SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

away for a few hours

neglected my homework for too long :’(

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All hail King @Edmond_Bailey!

You may now vote for execution! With 8 players alive, majority is 5.


Good shit. Good shit.

Get that allies set up.

GTH Cult are in Thomas/Emma/Geoffrey and NK is in Sarah/Mary (leaning Mary)

Going to do more to figure this out tomorrow.
I’d like to actually hear from Geoffrey, who I have asked to do a few things.
And I’d like the result Thomas got last night, which I asked for a while ago.
@Ivo_Wake would Geoffrey claiming help anything?

Side note:
We’re getting into the most important parts of the game and if you’re town you need to start being townie, people.

and a reminder

(you should vote irl if you are eligible, though :ballot_box: )

We have over 24h left and we are going to use it.

Good night, dead thread.

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I did and still semi do, but I don’t remember much from the slot and thus it’s PoE for me. I still need to re-eval that slot

I got caught up with other things, but I am here now

I will case this, but look at how Emma has treated me all game and tell me that we are partners

So far I have to re-eval Sarah, prove my point on Thomas 2, and dig into Emma’s ISO

@Alice_Alard So, after re-evaling Sarah I move that into a town lean. Their tone is consistent and after the focus on Thomas d1 they improve, it’s just that a lot of their posts are forgettable. Based on what Ivo has said about Emma in allies I don’t think that’s w/w with Emma. aka Sarah is most likely town

If you want I can go into detail

@Ivo_Wake I want you to jail Mary. That slot is either NK or CL and I have my bets on NK. Tomorrow we lynch the NK and you jail in the CL PoE, I do my thing, and any occupiers occupy in that PoE.

Here for 2m
Needed agua

Tip: if you feel like you have to ask me if I want you to go into detail - I want you to go into detail.

We are at endgame and you have an obligation to make yourself known, if you are town

So please explain every tiny bit of every read, no matter how unrefined your thoughts may be, and no matter how good or bad you are at articulating them.
Rather than saying things like “they had some posts that pinged me as [x],” I want you to show me the posts and explain why they pinged you as [x].

No more quick answers
Put in the effort or stay in the PoE. This goes for everyone.

Peace. :v:

Damnit, I can, it’s just not going to be fun

Let me cover Thomas first

I do like how Thomas started solving from the get go and dropped the bs claims

Thomas also pushes their scum reads and withdraws when they are proven wrong. I don’t know how else to explain it

I also find them not being afraid to go against the consensus gives them more towny points

They way they handle my slot is very towny as well. Like they question some of my more poorly worded posts and react accordingly to my answer.

Tell me how wrong I am, but this is why I put Thomas as a townlean. I don’t see these posts ever coming from scum. They push their scum reads, question things, solve in their first 10 posts, and aren’t afraid to re-eval. Yell at me and tell me why I am wrong, but this is towny to me

Already jailed.

I’m a bit tired I just wanted to check in who got kinged :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure geoffrey already outed?

If not then its up to them to out tbh

This was my previous read and upon review I think my read still stands, but I will find some more recent examples

They ask questions that I can get behind and push their reads/solve

Emma also throws tons of shit at them, which doesn’t really come from w/w theater

Again, they push their reads and follow them through even if they were wrong

They are still invested in solving today

So, after re-evaling Sarah I move that into a town lean. Their tone is consistent and after the focus on Thomas d1 they improve, it’s just that a lot of their posts are forgettable.
Based on what Ivo has said about Emma in allies I don’t think that’s w/w with Emma. aka Sarah is most likely town (it’s the same conclusion, except I put more effort into it)

Cool, but you never commented on my plan. You want me to step up and be a town leader, but never comment on my plans.

I actually haven’t, but I will out my role tomorrow when more people are on

Give me input damnit

Give what input you need I can’t do everything for you, if you think itbwill help then yes

I want you to tell me if you agree with my overall plan