SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

If you want my logs

D1: brew tar potion
D2: brew truth potion
N2: use truth potion on Emma (came back K/O)
D3: brew health potion
N3: use tar potion on Mary
D4: brew shield potion

anyway, I need some food and I will get back in a few hours

Quick question, this is my first time rolling Alchemist, so if I healed Alice tonight will she be healed from the bleed even if Curse of Corax wasnā€™t used on Alice?

If that is the case then I will probably heal Alice tonight then

@Ivo_Wake I am telling you that Mary is not an alchemist because that slot got their truth potion result wrong and there was one less death when I used a tar potion on Mary. I think I occupied either the CL or NK, which it is I donā€™t know, but I want them jailed and executed tomorrow

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i come into the thread with an absolute level-1 read here
we have two Alchemist claims: Mary and Geoffrey
we also had a starting Cabalist, now turned CL
seems to me pretty likely one of these is the current CL?

discuss please i am dumb and this could very easily be wrong

another note: Allies is already locked with Ivo and Alice
butā€¦if Mary was occupied N3 then i wasnā€™t. would Mary be informed if she could not occupy me? if so, then iā€™m quite suspicious of Maryā€™s ā€œredcheckā€ on me at the start of the day.

also hell yeah i canā€™t be spite converted now can i suck it cult

alright which one of you just bled me?


all of you get in here now please.

aaaa browser notifications

i believe we have an Acolyte or Apostle here, we have too many bleeds going around for this not to be the case.

Iā€™m not clearing you because Emma was hard on you.
Iā€™m just not.
Especially when there was a potential conversion last night.

Iā€™m torn between the two but after my last post on the Mary jail, Iā€™m now leaning Sarah.
My entire thought-process is laid out for everyone to see
Itā€™s shit, but itā€™s there

I suppose Mary could indeed be Cult, but likely not CL since nobody seems to be stopping them from being jailed tonight
Idk anymore, man

But you arent doing yourself too many favors


I also wanted you to explain why.
But Iā€™m kinda running out of energy from repeating myself a shit ton of times

Who did you plan on occupying n1?
And do you mind explaining why you picked who you picked for each night, please

Please do so.

The tar could add up with the missing nightkill, yeah
Why didnā€™t you out this earlier?

It is indeed dumb, but Iā€™m ngl I had very similar thoughts
A starting Cabalist -> CL could claim Alchemist to have an excuse for class-type checks when theyā€™re found S/I
But this doesnā€™t lock one of them in as CL
Just raises an eyebrow

Youā€™re only notified of occupation/prevention if you use an investigative ability

Thereā€™s 100% an Acolyte, Apostle, or Demon
Or a combination of them

Iā€™m very much hoping itā€™s Apostle over the other two.
Thatā€™d be nice.

Knowing our luck though, itā€™s probably a fuckinā€™ Demon
Or if Geoffrey is telling the truth with his logs then Emma is probably Acolyte

lol fuck us

I would probably have occupied someone like Helen and as for my other actions n2 I used a truth potion on someone I thought had deepwolf potential, so that if they tried to fake claim something later I could catch them in a lie. On n3 Andy was being jailed and I decided to use it on someone with some CL/NK equity in the hopes of stopping a kill and I think I might have

I softed it, but I didnā€™t want to claim so early in the day. Why do you think I said Mary was the likely NK/CL?

Iā€™ll be honest, I have no clue. Iā€™ve not had any clue for a while since I was positive on Edmond being scum (Still can be scum tbh but heā€™s King so)

Emma clearly gets lynched, right now Iā€™m with Thomas being scum.

I donā€™t know but you may be lying about this



Does what Geoffrey said add up with what he said to you in jail n1?

Do you mind explaining why you think Edmond could be scum?

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what reason would i have to lie about the bleed?
also, i donā€™t see why iā€™d go to the lengths i did to out Emma were i scum.
and i canā€™t be starting Cult or NK, if scum i could only be a convert.

Because the lack of convert and him achieving King.

So by the no-convert logic, there are 2 Cult alive

Emma dies today

Meaning the last Cult is nowā€¦ King? Why would they do that?

And why would Edmond bus Emma here over pushing agenda on anyone else?
Emma would be in the perfect position to powerwolf today if not for Edmond

Edmond was also greenchecked by Thomas, which means they would have to be Cult with Thomas as well, no?

I honestly donā€™t see a world where Edmond is scum here. Iā€™m willing to bet everything on it, because we donā€™t win otherwise.

someone catch me up on this ._.

Iā€™m explaining to Mary why Edmond isnā€™t scum.

Iā€™m saying itā€™s nonsensical.

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